Personal Storage


Extra storage is something you don’t think about until you need it. Life tends to sneak up on you when you least expect it. By the time you start to notice that your current space is exhausted, it’s almost too late. Don’t worry. We’re here to help you determine your self-storage needs and walk you through the process. Take a look below. These events may sound familiar.


As arrival time draws closer, you’re thinking about a sweet space for your new little bundle of joy. If this is your first child, you’re thrilled, but clueless. You don’t yet know that you’ll need warehouse-sized space for baby’s needs. That tiny baby will need truckloads of diapers, wipes, and clothes, not to mention strollers, car seats and toys. When your only extra room is already filled to capacity with junk, what will you do? It’s time to think about a safe, secure storage unit. You can get that room cleaned and ready for baby, and decide what to do with the rest of your stuff later (or maybe after the next baby).

Chapel Bells

Trying to combine the belongings of two very different people doesn’t always work well. He may have an art collection that is not exactly world class. She may have a shoe collection that would be more than enough footwear for a third world country. The two of you will probably start out with an apartment that is lacking sufficient closet space for these very important items. Don’t ruin your marital bliss with an argument; it doesn’t last that long anyway. Rent a storage space with us. You can visit your shoes and fine art(???)  24 hours a day, every day.

A New Space

Remodeling can be one of the most stressful, anxiety-inducing, exhausting events that you’ll ever face. Don’t make it even more stressful by trying to live with boxes, extra furniture, and appliances in your living room, dining room, or master bath. Add kids and pets to this mix, and you’ll be ready for the nearest psychiatric ward. A self-storage unit is the perfect temporary space for your belongings. With flexible month-to-month leasing, you don’t have to make a long-term commitment. And, maybe you’ll end of keeping that unit for the next remodel.

College (and, hopefully, Graduation)

Until you’ve lived through the trauma of moving a child to and from college every year, for four or many more years, you have no concept of the enormity of this task. Ask yourself if you really want all of that furniture, decor, books, and just plain junk in your garage? You will find strange things (some of them alive) in the dresser drawers. Many of the items you’re moving will be unfamiliar; don’t even try to imagine where they came from. Lease a storage unit near the school. After graduation (which you hope comes sooner rather than later), they can deal with this garbage themselves.

Making the Move

This falls into the same category as remodeling - anxiety producing. Not only do you have to sell  your home and find a new one, you have to be subject to the whims of buyers who think HGTV is the real world. You have to make your home more appealing to potential buyers by “staging” it to look trendy and expensive. It would be nice if buyers had the foresight to look past the furnishings; they aren’t included in the sale of the home. But, they just can seem to wrap their brains around that. In the interest of selling your home more quickly, rent a storage unit,  store your “unappealing” furnishings, and stage the place to look like Pottery Barn.

Time to Leave that Empty Nest

It’s hard to leave the home where you made memories with your family. We know that you’ll miss 50 years worth of accumulated clutter and the worry, sleepless nights, and financial ruin that come with parenting. But the time has come. Donate the “Big Wheels” to Goodwill and throw away the trophies that your kids got for “showing up.” They don’t want them. For the debris that you just cannot part with, rent a secure self-storage unit. Maybe your kids will eventually decide they want their decimated stuffed aardvarks. Friendly tip: store the extra furniture. You may decide that you hate the condo and want to move back into that huge house.

Retirement Living and Beyond

There comes a time when your elderly loved ones cannot or do not want to stay in their home, and have to make the decision to move to a retirement home. This is a difficult time for the entire family on many levels. Your loved ones try to give away their belongings to family who do not want or cannot use them. This results in hard feelings on both sides. A storage unit can solve this problem. You can store those precious memories and examine them at your leisure. If possible, involve you family in deciding how they can best be donated or disposed of.

Having a storage unit already in place when a loved one passes will be a relief. If you have to sell a home, you won’t have to spend time trying to determine what to keep and how to dispose of what’s left before you’ve given yourself time to grieve. The convenience of having this extra space will give you the time you need to make these critical decisions.